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Special Education


Water Safety Workshop

MCPS Virtual Water Safety Workshop

MCPS is collaborating with the Autism / IDD Montgomery County Police Unit, Autism Society MD, and local swim schools to present water saftey information to families and caregivers. This presentation is created to support children with disabilities in and around water.

Learn about safety tips, how to respond in an emergency, adapted swim classes, and other free resources!


Special Education Unlocked

Special Education Unlocked: A Workshop for Parents of Black Students
Tuesday, March 11 2025 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Sponsored by The Black Coalition for Excellence in Education

Breakout Sessions: Session #1: How Students are Identified for Special Education Services:The Process, The People, and The Planning.

Session #2: How to Asses Whether Your Child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Is Working and What To Do If It's Not.

Session #3: Know Your Rights: Discipline, Suspensions, Expulsions, and Placement.

March 11 Workshop .png
March SECAC.png

MaryBeth Mantzouranis
Family Support Services Coordinator
Department of Special Education
Montgomery County Public Schools


Cell: 240- 753- 9487
Office: 240-740- 3900

Family Support Center staff are committed to provide information to parents and families to work as equal partners with MCPS.

MCPS Family Support Center seeks to:

  • Increase parental involvement in the early intervention and special education decision making process
  • Increase collaborative relationships through information and training
  • Assist families in resolving concerns and making informed decisions regarding their child's education
  • Provide information about disabilities and school system and community resources

* February 2025 Events Bulletin *


Family Resources

*While the Family Support Center and MCPS do not endorse any business, activity, or group, we do encourage you to utilize resources to support your needs and interests.*


Month of March 2025


Monday, March 10 - 10am & 1pm

Tuesday, March 11 - 6pm

Virtual Water Safety Workshop
FREE Virtual Workshop - Register Here


Tuesday, March 11

Special Education Unlocked: A Workshop for Parents of Black MCPS Students
7:00pm - 8:30pm | FREE Virtual Workshop | Register Here by March 3
7:00 Welcome, Introductions & Outcomes
7:20 Guest Speaker- Marcy Rachamim Jackson, MA
7:45 Breakout Sessions- MCPS Special Education Staff & BCEE Facilitators

Guest Speaker: MarcyRachamim Jackson, MA is an education consultant, special education advocate, compassionate speaker, and author of Pour the Water: TransformativeSolutions for Equity & Justice inSpecial Education. She is the Founding Director of SEE US: Special Education Excellence for Underserved Students which provides free, expert, special education advocacy to underserved students with special needs. Mrs.Jackson provides advocacy, coaching, and training for students, parents, and professionals through the Resh Institute for Educational Leadership.
Breakout Sessions: We willrun three sessions concurrently. When you register, you will need to choose the session you plan to attend to receive the correct link.
Session #1: How Students are Identified for Special Education Services:
The Process, The People, and The Planning
Session #2: How to Asses Whether Your Child's Individualized Education
Plan (IEP) Is Working and What To Do IfIt's Not
Session #3: Know Your Rights: Discipline, Suspensions, Expulsions, and


Thursday, March 27

Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC)
SECAC Meeting
7:00 pm | Virtual


Month of February 2025


Tuesday, February 25

Parent Workshop: The Importance of Routines and Rituals for Your Child
5:00 - 6:30PM | FREE Virtual Workshop in ZOOM

Event Flyer with Zoom Link


Thursday, February 27

Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC)
SECAC Meeting
7:00 pm | Virtual

Agenda with ZOOM Link


Month of January 2025


Wednesday, January 8

What is PDA? Exploring the Autism Profile Everyone's Talking About
7:00- 8:30 p.m.
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by xMinds.

PDA describes a subset of autistic individuals who present a challenge to educators and caregivers because they have enormous difficulty complying with demands or even perceived demands that are made on them. Importantly, the speaker will describe an approach that works to support this population, and she'll explain why behavioral approaches don't work and can even be counter-productive. Presented by Diane Gould, LCSW, Executive Director and Founder of PDA North America.


Tuesday, January 14

Parent Speaker Series: Toilet Training
7:00- 8:30 p.m.
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by The Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County

Join us for a dynamic webinar about navigating the complex journey of toilet training specifically for individuals with Down syndrome. Dr. Lina Patel, PsyD will discuss potential medical, behavioral, learning, and environmental factors that can impact successful toilet training and provide strategies to overcome unique challenges for those with Down syndrome.
To register:


Wednesday, January 15

Special Education Resource Fair
5:30- 7:30 p.m.
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by The Family Support Center and DSES

Come out to our first January Resource Fair! Over 20 organizations that offer services (tutoring, after school activities, summer camps, etc) for families who have students with an IEP will be in attendance. Join us and take this opportunity to see if any of these organizations have services/programs that are a good fit for you and your family. No registration required.
850 Hungerford Drive
Carver Educational Services Center (CESC) Auditorium
Rockville, MD 20850


Thursday, January 16

From Battles to Bonding: A Parent’s Guide to Trading Defiance for Cooperation
1:00 p.m.
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by ADDitude

This webinar explores the underlying causes of oppositional defiance, offering practical tools to restore peace and connection. Moving from battles to bonding will empower you to put those fruitless power struggles behind you by turning emotional reactivity into opportunities for connection and cooperation. Critical handouts will be included for registrants in this webinar to help caregivers learn the strategies that prevent emotionally dysregulated children from becoming defiant. Registration Link:


Wednesday, January 22

Tolerating Hygiene Tasks- A Webinar
12:00- 1:00 pm
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by Pathfinders for Autism

It is common for children with autism to struggle independently completing hygiene tasks (such as washing hands or taking a shower) or tolerating those tasks at all. You aren’t alone in experiencing these challenges. The good news? Everyone can learn! We will provide basic information about why hygiene tasks can be difficult and strategies for making them less stressful. Presented by Elizabeth Baez, MS, MCBA, LBA.
Click here to register! Visit registration page.


Wednesday, January 22

How To Access Mental Health Services Across the Lifespan
7:00 pm
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by MCPS Transition Services Unit

Please join us on Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm for this month's program, "How to Access Mental Health Services Across the Lifespan". This webinar is presented by Shawn Lattanzio, Program Manager II, Child & Adolescent Coordinator, Montgomery County Local Behavioral Health Authority.


Thursday, January 23

Behavior Changes: A Virtual Support Group Based on Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
6:30- 8:00 pm
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored Yvonne Alleyne, BCBA, Beth Hayre, BCBA, Na’im Madyun, School Psychologist, and Family Support Center Staff PGCPS

Join us to learn ways to support your child’s growth! The Behavior Changes Support group will use Applied Behavior Analysis principles to help parents understand how to support their child with challenging behaviors. The group focuses on behavior – increasing skills and decreasing interfering/challenging behaviors that occur in both the home and school settings
Meeting Registration - Zoom


Thursday, January 23

Do With, Not For: An Introduction to DeafBlind Interveners
12:00- 1:00 pm
FREE- Virtual. Sponsored by The Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center

This presentation will examine the role of the DeafBlind Intervener in the school setting and how to determine if your child needs a DeafBlind Intervener to access their educational environment. The NC DPI policy for adding Interveners as a related service or supplementary service and aide will be discussed.


Thursday, January 23

SECAC Meeting
7:00 pm | Virtual

January has many disability awareness days including:
● World Braille Day: January 4
● Paget's Awareness Day: January 11
● Race Against Dementia Day: January 21
● Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day: January 24
● World Leprosy Day: January 26
● Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Awareness Day: January 30


Month of December 2024


Wednesday, December 4

Transition Times- College Night
Sponsored by PCR and MCPS Transition Services Unit

Join Potomac Community Resources virtual Transition Times program for "College Night," featuring a presentation on postsecondary opportunities including MC-USG Pathway, MC Workforce Development and Continuing Education options including the Graduate Transition Program and Challenge Program, and the University of Maryland's TerpsEXCEED Program. The webinar will be presented by Montgomery College Disability Support Services. There will be break out sessions. To attend this free webinar, please click REGISTER.
Simultaneous ASL and Spanish interpretation will be provided. The webinar will be recorded in both English and Spanish, and the recordings will be archived on the PCR website:


Thursday, December 5

Coffee and Conversations: Elementary School
Sponsored by the Parents Place of Maryland
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
FREE- Virtual
Join our Coffee and Conversations sessions if you have children in 1st- 5th grade. Coffee and Conversations is a safe virtual space to: Share ideas, Share frustrations, Get resources, Make new friends. We meet the first Thursday of each month at 12:00pm.
Register Here: https: /
Please email Kim Birnbaum at with any questions.


2nd Sunday of the Month through December

Ausome Families of Maryland

Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM - FREE- In Person

Looking for an activity for your elementary school child? They can make new friends! Bring a game to share! Play family basketball in the gym! Enjoy the playground! Go to the Community Lounge and
sign the attendance sheet. Allow extra time for first time registration. Space in the Center is on a first come basis. Please note that this is not a drop-off event. Parents or caregivers must supervise their children at all times.
Location: Nancy H. Dacek North Potomac Community Recreation Center, 13850 Travilah Road, Rockville, MD 20850


8 de Diciembre

Feria De Recursos
8 de diciembre. 14:00 a 17:00 horas
11400 Marcliff Road. Rockville, MD 20852
Presentado par la Coalici6n de Equidad de Maryland para Personas con Discapacidades y Enriqueciendo Vidas. No te lo pierdas! lnterpretacion en lengua de senas estara disponible. Si tienes preguntas contactanos al 240-531-3478. @EnriqueciendoVidasUSA


Tuesday, December 10

Developing an IEP for your Preschool Aged Child
Sponsored by Pacer Center Champions for Children with Disabilities

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
FREE- Virtual
Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for children ages 3 to 5 focus on their educational and functional needs. This workshop will help prepare parents to actively participate in the development of their child's IEP and will explore appropriate goals and objectives for a preschool IEP.


Wednesday, December 11

Resolving Special Education Disputes: A Parent Workshop
Sponsored by MCPS

In this workshop you will learn about the different options parents have if they disagree with an IEP team decision. Parents may have disputes related to identification, evaluation, educational
placement and/or the provision of a free and appropriate education (known as FAPE) The presenter, from the MCPS Resolution and Compliance Unit, will discuss the types of resolution options
including mediation, due process, and a state complaint. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation. There will be Spanish and Amharic interpreters available. If you require another
language please contact
To join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 881 1017 4521 Passcode: 565886


Wednesday, December 11

Stand Together- In Person
Hosted by the Arc of Montgomery County

6:00- 7:30 PM
FREE- In Person
Join us for the in-person gathering– it's going to be a blast! If you’re someone with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Montgomery County, this is your space to connect with peers, share
your voice, and enjoy making some holiday cards and new friends. Bring your energy, ideas, and appetite as we gather to grow together and amplify our voices. Support staff are welcomed.
STAND Together is part of Empowering Partners, a statewide initiative to strengthen local self-advocacy groups. Find out more about Empowering Partners at The Arc Maryland:
Location: 7362 Calhoun Place Rockville, MD 20855
Register Here:


Wednesday, December 11

Sponsored by Pathfinders for Autism

FREE- Virtual
This activity is FREE to register! Please register one email that will receive access to the Zoom link and indicate how many BINGO cards your family will need (up to 6 per family). Once registration is
closed, 48 hours before our BINGO Game, you will receive a Zoom link for our game and a link to access your bingo cards. Each person will use ONE Bingo card. We will play 4 games, so you can
either print your card 4 times, or use your card online and you will be able to clear your card each time.
Register here:


Monday, December 16

Small Steps Together- Parent Discussion Group
Hosted by xMinds Elementary and Preschool Parent Outreach Committee

7:00 PM 7:45 PM (EST)
FREE- Virtual
The xMinds Preschool and Elementary Parent Outreach Committee is hosting a monthly online discussion group for Montgomery County parents or caregivers of preschool and elementary age autistic students. Parents and caregivers in other locations are also welcome! Take a break from your busy schedule! Put your feet up, click your link, and take this opportunity to chat, connect, and share experiences with other local parents who are on the same path.


Thursdays (12/19, 1/23, 2/20, 3/2/7, 4/10, 5/22, 6/12)

Behavior Changes: A Virtual Support Group Based on Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Sponsored Yvonne Alleyne, BCBA, Beth Hayre, BCBA, Na’im Madyun, School Psychologist, and Family Support Center Staff PGCPS

FREE- Virtual
Join us to learn ways to support your child’s growth! The Behavior Changes Support group will use Applied Behavior Analysis principles to help parents understand how to support their child with challenging behaviors. The group focuses on behavior – increasing skills and decreasing interfering/challenging behaviors that occur in both the home and school settings
Meeting Registration - Zoom


Friday, December 20

A Holiday Spectacular: When Boys Meet Girls The Musical
Sponsored by Sunshine Projects

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
5500 Sonoma Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817
A Holiday Spectacular Drama: "When Boys Meet Girls" A sweet and heart warming musical presented by our Sunshines. Join us for an evening of a fun family event, a warm meal, cookie exchange, coffee/tea, cocktails,mocktails, fun raffles, an evening of connections and getting to know each other.

Things to Know:
Sensory- Friendly Santa!
Use the link above to find a list of dates and locations where children with disabilities can spend time with Santa.

From the Autism Society of Maryland:
We are now accepting 2025 Winter applications for the AutismHiring Program. For questions or for more information please contact:
Read more about it here:
The Parents’ Place (PPMD) is the only organization in Maryland charged by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, to serve as the state’s Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center. PPMD is one of over 100 PTIs nationwide,
providing training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with all disabilities – physical, cognitive, emotional and learning. As a PTI, the Parents’ Place provides information and support for families who have children
and youth with disabilities or special needs, beginning at birth through age 26. Our Parent Educators and PTI staff are available to help you understand and navigate the special education system and provide you with the information and tools you need to be an
informed and active participant in your child’s education. All services are provided to parents and families at no cost!
Find out more:

Kennedy Krieger Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities:
The Resource Finder is a project of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities and offers a person-centered service, helping people locate resources based on their individual needs. Individuals with disabilities, families and professionals seeking information about and access to resources on intellectual, developmental and other disabilities and related disorders can contact the Resource Finder for assistance. The Resource Finder personnel can help with locating service providers, child care, recreational activities, financial resources, and much more.
Anyone is welcome to call or email the Resource Finder personnel to request resources.
When leaving a message for the Resource Finder, include as much detailed information as possible, including your location and contact information. The Resource Finder personnel will respond with a personalized list of resources.
Call: l 800-390-3372


Month of November 2024


Thursday, November 26

The Montgomery County Police Autism/IDD Unit "Meet & Greet" Wandering Safety Resource Handout

Date: Next Tuesday, November 26 from 12pm - 8pm
Location: Public Safety Headquarters
100 Edison Park Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Officers will be handing out important wandering safety resources prior to the upcoming holiday travel.

Don't want to park?
Officers will be available for curbside "meet & greet"

Safety T-shirts provided to those who cannot speak and who are in immediate danger should they wonder.

Scan the QR code to receive a digital copy of the brochure.
Event flyer in English
Event flyer in Spanish
Event flyer in Amharic


Thursday, November 21

Special Education Citizens advisory Committee (SECAC)

Begins at 7PM - Meeting Agenda


Thursday, November 14

Parent Workshop: "Helping Kids and Teens with ADHD and/or Executive Function Challenges to Thrive" - Strategies for the Whole Family
Presented by Dr. Carey Heller, Licensed Psychologist. President of local CHADD

Thursday, November 14, 2024
12pm - 1PM EST

SLIDES - Slide Presentation

VIDEO - Recorded Session

  • Principles for developing & implementing strategies to improve EF skills.
  • Routines/Managing schedule, activities, supplies.
  • Develop strategies for effective decision-making that reduce stress, negativity.
  • Completing homework, chores, practicing an instrument or specific sport.
  • Managing schedule/tasks, identifying conflicts & improving efficiency
  • Increase cooperation and reduce pushback for challenging tasks.
  • Harnessing fidgeting to improve focus.
  • Discuss strategies to keep you better organized.
  • Identifying accommodations at school.


Month of October 2024


October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and National Disability Employment Awareness Month!


Tuesday, October 29

Behavior Changes: A Virtual Support Group Based on Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Sponsored Yvonne Alleyne, BCBA, Beth Hayre, BCBA, Na’im Madyun, School Psychologist, and Family Support Center Staff PGCPS

Tuesday, October 29th & then Thursdays

dates: (11/21, 12/19, 1/23,2/20,3/2/7, 4/10, 5/22, 6/12)
FREE- Virtual

Join us to learn ways to support your child’s growth! The Behavior Changes Support group will use Applied Behavior Analysis principles to help parents understand how to support their child with challenging behaviors. The group focuses on behavior – increasing skills and decreasing interfering/challenging behaviors that occur in both the home and school settings
Meeting Registration - Zoom

Thursday, October 24

Special Education Citizens advisory Committee (SECAC)

Begins at 7PM - Meeting Agenda


Wednesday, October 23

Planning for Transition: Adult Services Night
Sponsored by MCPS Transition Information for Parents and Students, Families of students with an IEP for Ages 14 to 21

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm


Join us 10/23/24 for our Adult Services Night at Richard Montgomery High School! This event will include 25 adult service providers! Families will have a chance to speak with DDA provider agencies, and will also learn about the Coordinator of Community Services in the transition process.
Richard Montgomery High School Cafeteria
250 Richard Montgomery Drive
Rockville, MD 20852


Tuesday, October 22

Sponsored by ADDitude

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
1:00 p.m.
FREE- Virtual Event

ADHD and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are brain-based disorders that coexist at elevated rates. For caregivers, navigating a dual diagnosis of pediatric OCD and ADHD can be confusing and counterintuitive because these conditions may seem contradictory.
Contrary to commonly held beliefs, many pediatric OCD presentations have little or nothing to do with the fear of germs. In fact, the number one compulsion for both adults and children with OCD is avoidance. In this webinar, you will learn:
About common misconceptions pediatric presentations of OCD, which have led to chronic underdiagnosing; How to identify the less common presentations of OCD, using examples of common OCD presentations in neurodivergent children; How OCD and ADHD can
interfere with learning; About the treatment of concurrent OCD and ADHD; About typical outcomes and common roadblocks to recovery
Visit registration page. Those registered will receive a link to the live event and a replay link after the event.


Saturday, October 19

Step Up for Down Syndrome Celebration and Walk
Sponsored by the Down Syndrome Network

Saturday, October 19, 2024
10:30 am-2:00 pm

Join the Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County as we unite for a common cause and raise funds at the 2024 Step Up for Down Syndrome Celebration & Walk. Whether you have Down syndrome, know someone who does, or just want to show your support, take the first step and donate or register today! Help us spread the word; all are welcome for our day of celebration!
For more information and to register, go to:


Friday, October 18

Inclusive Playgrounds
Sponsored by The Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council

Friday, October 18, 2024
3:00pm- 5:00pm
FREE- In Person Event

Come out and play and help make a difference! Maryland needs more playgrounds where all children and their families can play! Many playgrounds are not fully inclusive which means a lot of playgrounds exclude people who may play and interact differently. We need to make playgrounds welcoming and usable for everyone! The Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council is creating a website for a project to show why playgrounds should be
designed for everyone. To do this, they need photos of people with and without disabilities playing together on inclusive playgrounds in Maryland. Join us on Friday, October 18th at Patapsco Valley State Park. You can find more information here:
There is no school on Friday, so we hope to see many families there! Please register here:


Saturday, October 17

Empowering Families: A Guide to Managing Anxiety
Sponsored by the Autism Society of Maryland

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Registration - Zoom (FREE)
Guest speaker, Krystal Lewis, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist at the NIMH, will share evidence-based strategies to support children experiencing symptoms of anxiety.

Families will:

• Learn how to identify signs of anxiety

• Discover effective ways to shift anxious thoughts

• Uncover the scientific and biological underpinnings of anxiety

• Explore how technology is revolutionizing our understanding of anxiety

• Get insights into current treatment options including medications and cognitive behavioral therapy


Month of September 2024

September - October

Sunflower Bakery enables pathways to emplyment for young adults and teens

Sunflower Bakery is still accepting applications for their October classes for hospitality, pastry and culinary arts employment training programs. The website contains all the necessary information.
Sunflower Bakery enables pathways to employment for young adults and teens with learning differences through pre-employment exposure and workforce development training in Pastry Arts, Hospitality and related industries. Sunflower provides an inclusive, one-of-a-kind professional training experience that combines technical hard skills with soft skills of employment readiness.
Sunflower Bakery is still accepting applications for their October classes for hospitality, pastry and culinary arts employment training programs. The website contains all the necessary information.


September 10, 17, & 24

Superpowers for Parents Series: Raising Confident and Caring Kids
Sponsored by Mental Health Association of Maryland

This free, 3-part virtual series equips parents with strategies, tools, and tips to nurture responsible, kind, engaged, and happy children:

Part 1 (Sept 10th, 6:30-7:30pm) focuses on fostering connection and self-regulation.
Part 2 (Sept 17th, 6:30-7:30pm) delves into understanding and shaping motivation.
Part 3 (Sept 24th, 6:30-7:30pm) addresses building a healthy relationship with technology, providing insights and actionable steps for effective parenting.
Participants can register here for all or part of the series, attendance to all three dates is not required.


Saturday, September 7

Run Wild for Autism- Annual 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run & Walk
Sponsored by Pathfinders for Autism
Saturday, September 7th
8:30 am- 12pm
FEES Required- In Person
Please join Pathfinders for Autism for our 14th Annual Run Wild for Autism. We are thrilled to be hosting a day of awareness, competition and fundraising for the community. We look forward to seeing you on September 7th!
Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
1 Safari Place
Baltimore, MD US 21217
Registration is required. Register here!


Month of August 2024

Wednesday, August 28

It's About Time: Planning, prioritizing, and time-management solution for students                                                                                               

Sponsored by ADDitude
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 1:00 p.m.
FREE- Virtual Event
Sometimes, children and teens with ADHD feel too frustrated or overwhelmed to utilize the organizational tools that would help them. With a focus on understanding and managing time, Dr. Saline will show you how to collaboratively teach effective planning and prioritizing in a way that helps kids develop the independence needed for success at school. In addition to our standard Q&A period, this webinar will include a live “Solve My Problem” portion where Dr. Saline will address specific scenarios submitted by webinar registrants.
Caregivers and educators will learn how to: Identify the executive functioning skills that affect productivity, organization, and follow-through; Use tools for improving time management, planning, and prioritizing; Develop decision-making strategies that reduce stress and negativity; Create effective routines with meaningful incentives; Increase cooperation and reduce pushback for challenging tasks. Visit registration page.Those registered will receive a link to the live event and a replay link after August 28.


Wednesday, August 28 

Sponsored by Kennedy Krieger
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 7:00 p.m.
FREE- Virtual Event
Are you a parent, caregiver or educator looking for ways to best support a child or children with disabilities? In this webinar we will discuss advocacy to achieve results for your child. Learn how to navigate the individualized education program (IEP) process effectively; foster a positive, inclusive school experience; and find inclusive community activities and services. We will explore community and social opportunities to enhance your child’s development and discuss planning for a successful transition from school to adulthood. Panelists are:
● Dr. Lisa Beth Carey, assistant director of the Institute’s Center for Innovation and Leadership in Special Education
● Dr. Ebony Holliday, assistant director of community programs at the Institute’s Center for Autism Services, Science and Innovation (CASSITM)
● Mallory Finn Legg, Esq., director of Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law), a community-based program of the Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger
● Dr. Aaron Parsons, Kennedy Krieger’s vice president of school programs
Visit the registration page.



Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC)

Join us each Thursday at the end of the month from 7:00- 9:00pm virtually in Zoom

*Interpretation is available.

SECAC is a committee made up of parents/guardians, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) staff members, and representatives of Montgomery County community groups that advocate for students with special needs and serve to advocate for, and advise, the Office of Special Education. 

Please sign-up to and join our SECAC meetings! SECAC is open to everyone.

Please complete this form to help us plan future meetings and to receive emails.


Family Resources 


MSDE Parent Information Series

MSDE is proud to partner with families through the publication of their new Parent Information Series. These booklets provide essential information for families of students with disabilities from ages 3 through 21 on important topics that increase collaboration between home and school in planning for their child's education.


New! A Companion Guide to the Alternate Education Framework

MSDE is pleased to offer the latest in our Parent Information Series, A Companion Guide to the Alternate Education Framework. This guide provides information for families to better understand IEP team decisions around participating in the alternate state assessments and alternate academic achievement standards for our students with significant cognitive disabilities. We hope that this information assists our families in ensuring they have what they need to fully participate as equal partners in the decision making process.

Download the Booklet  |  Spanish Version


Special Education Process - Guide 1

The first booklet in the series takes the parent from referral through evaluation and eligibility determination. This booklet provides tips for the parent to understand their role in order to actively participate at each meeting for each process.

Download the Booklet  |  Spanish Version


Parental Rights - Guide 2

The second booklet in the series discusses some of the key elements in the Procedural Safeguards/Parental Rights Handbook that parents are given during annual review and other IEP team meetings. It explains their legal rights in clear terms and is a companion (not replacement) to the larger Brochure.

Download the Booklet  |  Spanish Version


Understanding the IEP - Guide 3

This booklet takes parents through each section of the IEP and briefly explains what should be there and why. There are some legal requirements explained, as well as things the parent should expect from their IEP teams.

Download the Booklet  |  Spanish Version


Secondary Transition - Guide 4

The final booklet in the series provides parents with information about secondary transition. It is fairly comprehensive and includes information about other agencies and services that students may engage with once they leave high school. It also provides parents and students with tips and steps that they can take to facilitate this important transition.

Download the Booklet  |  Spanish Version


Contact: Alison Barmat
Department of Early Intervention/Special Education Services
Office: (410) 767-7770


Organizations, Academies, and Programs


The Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County (DSNMC)

The Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County serves individuals with Down syndrome and their families in Montgomery County, MD and the surrounding region.

The DSNMC helps people with Down syndrome lead self-determined lives. They do this through education and support programs, advocacy, and initiatives that span the lives of individuals with Down syndrome from birth through adulthood. 

They also provide information and support to professionals who work with individuals with Down syndrome.



Partnership for Extraordinary Minds- xMinds

xMinds is a collaborative partnership of parents, educators, and service providers working together to improve the educational experience and outcomes for autistic students in Pre-K–12 education in Montgomery County, MD.


Maryland Coalition of Families

Maryland Coalition of Families (MCF) is a state-wide nonprofit dedicated to connecting, supporting and empowering families who are experiencing behavioral health challenges. 

They also advocate to improve services and systems that impact individuals with behavioral health challenges and to reduce stigma related to behavioral health.



Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

SEAC is comprised of parents/guardians, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) staff members, and representatives of Montgomery County community groups that advocate for students with special needs and serve to advocate for, and advise, the Office of Special Education.

SEAC hosts a 2-hour meeting each month, open to everyone. Parents, families, advocates, educators are all encouraged to participate each month through the academic year.


Parent Academy - To Go


 Parent Academy Logo


As our school district continues to navigate through COVID-19, we want our families and students to remain engaged with us throughout the school year. Student, Family and School Services is very excited to provide "Parent Academy TO GO," a series of virtual presentations for families to participate and view at home.  

Parent Academy TO GO is designed to inform and empower families as advocates and partners in their children's education. Workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children's academic and emotional well-being, as well as help them to be college and career ready. Through a variety of learning opportunities hosted by MCPS staff and community partners, we hope to strengthen our engagement with families and the community. We recognize that behind every successful student are supportive families, teachers, school staff and community members who take an active role in educating our students.


Parental Rights, Resolution, and Compliance 


What parental rights do I have regarding the IEP? 

The Maryland State Department of Education has developed Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services Parent’s Guide to Understanding Your Individualized Education Program (IEP) Rights and Responsibilities in Maryland which summarizes all rights that parents have such as notice, disagreement, participation, and copies of certain documentation.

If you have further questions regarding your parental rights, you may refer to the Parental Rights, Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice, contact your child’s case manager at the school, or contact the Resolution and Compliance Unit at 240-740-3230.

Resolution and Compliance Unit


MSDE Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch

MSDE Family Support Section of the Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch, responds to parent inquiries, assists parents with navigating Maryland's early intervention and special education systems, and provides parents with school system resources.

Special Education State Complaint Resolution Procedures

State Complaint Form (Birth - 3 Individualized Family Service Plan or 4 if extended Individualized Family Service Plan)

State Complaint Form (3 - 21 Individualized Family Service Program)

Request for Mediation/Due Process Form

Listing of Free or Low Cost Assistance for Special Education Disputes

Parent Information Series on Procedural Safeguards

Procedural Safeguards/Parent Rights Brochure

A Parent’s Guide to Frequently Asked Questions about Special Education State Complaints

A Parent's Guide to Frequently Asked Questions about Special Education Mediation

A Parent's Guide to Frequently Asked Questions about Special Education Due Process Complaints

IDEA Dispute Resolution Processes Comparison Chart

Water Safety Workshop

MCPS Virtual Water Safety Workshop

MCPS is collaborating with the Autism / IDD Montgomery County Police Unit, Autism Society MD, and local swim schools to present water saftey information to families and caregivers. This presentation is created to support children with disabilities in and around water.

Learn about safety tips, how to respond in an emergency, adapted swim classes, and other free resources!


Special Education Unlocked

Special Education Unlocked: A Workshop for Parents of Black Students
Tuesday, March 11 2025 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Sponsored by The Black Coalition for Excellence in Education

Breakout Sessions: Session #1: How Students are Identified for Special Education Services:The Process, The People, and The Planning.

Session #2: How to Asses Whether Your Child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Is Working and What To Do If It's Not.

Session #3: Know Your Rights: Discipline, Suspensions, Expulsions, and Placement.

March 11 Workshop .png
March SECAC.png