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Wellness Webinar Library 

Stroke Smarts

Do you know what to do if someone is having a stroke? Learn stroke warning signs and symptoms and what you can do to minimize and even prevent permanent damage and save a life. We also will discuss overall heart health and preventative measures you can take. View this webinar.

Healthy Joints

Many of us have concerns about the health of our joints. To enhance physical ability, it is important to find a balance between prevention and care. In this webinar discover ways to safeguard your joints for better function and overall health.  View this webinar.

Nutrition Ambition

Let's get back to the basics in this ambitious, fact-filled session about the fundamental basics of nutrition. Learn from a registered dietician what eating healthy really means and start building the foundation for your healthy eating journey.  View this webinar.


Scents and smells can impact our mood, alertness, and even our emotional well-being. This session will teach you to combine different scents to get the benefit you need.  View this webinar.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Join us for this webinar to learn how to lower your risk of breast cancer, how to screen for it, and what to do if you or a loved one is diagnosed. Together we can beat breast cancer. ((Wait one minute for webinar to start))  View this webinar.

Mindful Eating

Would you like to learn what it looks and feels like to eat mindfully? Join this 20-30 minute meditation practice to participate in a lively experience of eating mindfully and sharing that experience with others. Please bring two bites of any food and a “beginners mind” to this class!  View this webinar.

Make Movement your Mission

Don't have time to work out? Let us help you shift your mindset and priorities so you can discover what exercise should look like and how to fit it in during your day. Learn about movement opportunities you may be missing out on throughout the day. You could be making movement  your mission -- without a gym!  View this webinar.

Pressing Pause: Reducing Stress for Better Health

Join and Omada health coach to learn tips to manage daily stress and develop  habits to boost your mood. View this webinar.

How to Hack Happiness

Do you want more happiness in your life? Meet the fabulous four: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and  endorphins. We will dive deep into health and science to help you understand how these four hormones can improve your mood and how you can help your body increase their levels naturally. View this webinar.

Virtual Sound Bath

    View this webinar.

Boundaries Before Burnout

More than 70% of people report feeling burned out. Burnout if impacting their work, mood, and personal relationships. Learn why setting boundaries is one of the most important self-care strategies you can implement if your life and how to add them to your daily life right away.   View this webinar.

Understanding Prediabetes and Diabetes

View this webinar. View the presentation

The Surprising Impact Food has on Health

Does food impact your mood? Yes it does! It also affects your energy and more. Learn how foods impact you physically, emotionally, and mentally from the moment you eat them.  View this webinar. Pear Pomegranate Salad Recipe Chocolate Cherry Smoothie Recipe

Building Healthy Habits that Last

More than 40% of everything you do is a habit. Join Well Aware as we explore how habits are built and how to use them to our advantage when it comes to building a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. A good self-care routine can help you stay healthy, happy, perform better at work, and accomplish more in a day.  View this webinar.

Skin Care and Sun Safety

Skin is our largest organ. It protects us and is part of our identity. During this webinar, we will drive into top skin care techniques. Learn how good nutrition and simple practices can leave your skin healthy and keep it safe. View this webinar.

Elevate your Physical and Mental Health

Join us for a webinar to learn how to elevate your physical and mental health. In this eye-opening session, created to jump-start your journey to feeling your best, you will learn about a comprehensive and holistic approach to improve both physical and mental health, based on the principles of Lifestyle Medicine. View this webinar.

Nourishment for your Brain

Our brains play a role in every activity we do. In this webinar, we explored how to take care of our brains by getting physically active, managing our stress, and taking control of our thoughts. View the webinar.

Get Fit While You Sit

Is your work day designed to set you up for wellness success? In this webinar, learn highly effective stretching, ergonomic, and even food/drink tips that will help you reach your wellness goals. View the webinar.

Fundamentals of Running

View the webinar. Presentation.

Strategies for Time Management

In this webinar, we will discuss realistic strategies for more effective time management. Join us to review topics such as managing email clutter, finding and overcoming the roots of procrastination, and keeping yourself motivated. View this webinar.

Stress and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Take a closer look at the connection between stress and musculoskeletal health. Being aware of how stress can affect your body is vital in taking steps towards greater physical wellness and to deter chronic aches and pains. We will also discuss stress management tools and self care strategies that can positively impant physical well-being.  View the webinar.

Healthy Hearts

Join us for a webinar to learn about heart disease and simple lifestyle changes to help you maintain a healthy heart for life.
View the class.

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Join us for a webinar to explore how to eat a healthy, well balanced diet while managing a budget.
View the class.

Preventing Home Injury and Conquering Aches and Pains

Join us for a webinar to learn about the basic functions of the musculoskeletal system, risks of injury in the home office and ways to prevent them, and simple exercises to alleviate common aches and pains.
View the class.

Stretch and Mobility

Join Well Aware Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at noon to stretch your body, breath deeply, and relax your mind. Missed class? Enjoy this recording anytime.
View the class.

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Join Well Aware and Carefirst at this webinar as we explore how to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet while maintaining a budget.
View the webinar.

Healthy Strategies for Surviving the Holidays

Presented by Debbie Amster 



Women and Weight Training

Presented by Liz Credi 



Nutrition to Go: Eating for an Active Lifestyle

Presented by Ashleigh Enriquez 



Balancing Work and Family

Presented by Erin Saucier 



Men's Health Tune-up

Presented by Christina Sweeney 


Sugar Cravings

Presented by Cindy Mann