The School Information Box, Explained
On the top-left corner of your school's homepage, you have probably noticed a box titled, "School Information." It includes some important information about your school. As many of you have noticed, you can't edit it through Episerver. To make things easier on webmasters, Web Services created an application to pull this information from the staff directory so it only needs to be updated in one place.
How to Update It
The content at the top, like the address, phone number, and principal's name are updated through the staff directory. That means your school's staff directory manager is responsible for keeping this information up-to-date. Specifically, this content is found on the 'edit school' tab in the Directory Publisher. More on the Staff Directory
Below the principal's name is an editable content area where you, as webmaster, can add whatever content you would like. Many webmasters add a vice principal's name or school hours here.
Bus Routes
The Bus Route pdf linked from the school information box is posted to the website directly by the Department of Transportation.
Other Important Information
Web Services also uses the school information box to push out other important updates to your school's website as needed. For example, this month we were asked to include a link to the Live Virtual Absence Form for each school.

How Episerver is Different from Tron
There are, of course, numerous ways in which Episerver differs from Tron. After all, it's a different content management system (CMS). But we want to highlight a few major differences here for webmasters who are used to Tron:
News Block
In Episerver, news items are updated as 'pages' under the news-index page. You will see the news-index page in your school's file structure in the navigation pane. How to Update News Items
Drag & Drop
While everything stayed in a fixed place in Tron, you can drag and drop content blocks in Episerver to reposition them.
Folders vs. Pages
In Episerver, everything is created as a page — news items, calendar items, and folders are all page types. If you want to create a folder in Episerver, just create a 'school general page'.
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