Student Publications
Yearbook (Fife and Drum)

How to Buy a Yearbook
Senior Portrait Information
If you have already been photographed, pay attention to deadlines to choose your yearbook pose online. *****Otherwise a photo will be chosen for you by the studio! ******
If you missed your summer or fall appointment you have one option: Call Victor O'Neill studios at 703-532-0013 and schedule a sitting.
How to Order Senior Ads
Newspaper (Common Sense)
Common Sense Online is a student newspaper of Thomas S. Wootton High School in Rockville, Maryland. Common Sense Online is run by students under the sponsorship of the faculty adviser and works closely with print counterpart Common Sense, established in 1970. Common Sense has won numerous awards, including the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Crown and Gold Medal. Common Sense Online is a forum for community expression and invites letters and comments from our readers.
- Editors in Chief: Nellie Allentuck, Tracy Yu, and Abby Wei
- Adviser: Evva Starr | Twitter: @EvvaStarr | Blog:
- Website:
- Newspaper Subscriptions
Literary Magazine (Pulp)
The purpose of the Literary & Arts Magazine club is to discuss and select student writing and artwork that will be published in Pulp, Wootton High School’s award winning, annual Literary & Arts magazine.
Download the submission form if you would like to submit a work of writing or art to the magazine. Submit electronically or bring to room 231.