APEX-Reach Scholars
Mr. Nathan Schwartz
Ms. Kathy Simmons
Program Coordinators
Email: Kathy Simmons
Email: Nathan Schwartz

Ms. Kathy Simmons
Nathan Schwartz
About APEX-Reach: APEX-Reach Home | Program Information| Setting and Philosophy |
The Course of Study | Admission Process | Benefits | Program Rewards |
4-Year Planning | All About APEX-Reach Slideshow | APEX-Reach Pathways Link |
The Profile of APEX Scholars | Letter sent to 8th-grade families about the APEX-Reach Program | APEX Reach Informational Meeting
Applying to APEX-Reach: Application Timeline | Online Application |
The APEX Reach Informational Meeting will be Wednesday, December 4, 2024, in the Walter Johnson Auditorium, at 7 pm.