

The Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey

Surveys were mailed home to parents/caregivers the week of February 14, 2025. You can access the survey website by using this QR Code. imagebtjh6.png 

25-26 Course Registration Google Site

Registration for the 25-26 school year is underway. 

Piano Loaner Letter

Schaeffer’s Piano Company, Inc., has a public sale of instruments twice a year, the second sale is scheduled for March 8-16, 2025.

Freshmen Parent Meeting

The video for the Class of 2028 freshmen parent meeting is linked above. 

Annual Verification

Each year parents are asked to verify emergency contact information for the upcoming school year. Please take a moment to go to ParentVUE and complete this year's annual verification by clicking here.  

Administrative and Counselor Assignments

Administrator duties and alphabetical student assignments are here. Counselor alphabetical student assignments are here

Weekend SAT Testing Information

The SAT is offered at Walter Johnson HS the point of contact and other important information are linked above. 

Principal Updates 

Ms. Morgan Smore's updates will be linked above. 

Student Handbooks

The Student Code of Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities, and other student handbooks are available to view and download at the link above. 


The enrollment process begins online. Click the word enrollments for more information on how to start the process.

Learners Permit

Parents or guardians must fill out the form, sign it with their student, and bring it to school so attendance can be verified. Please allow 24 hours for this process. The form is linked here.

Student Anti-Bullying/Hate-Bias Video

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) created this video as part of their comprehensive commitment to combatting all forms of bullying and hate bias in our schools.