Welcome to the Library Media Center!   

The mission of the Library Media Center is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of information (ALA, 1998). Our collection is large and diverse; it contains more than 10,000 books and other educational media.  We encourage curious engagement and provide access to Maker Space opportunities, critical thinking and a love of learning.   We support inquiry both inside and outside the classroom, we encourage lifelong learning, and we support reading for all purposes. Come check out the Media Center! 

Media Staff

Ms. Wellen, Media Specialist:  Carol_L_Wellen@mcpsmd.org

Mrs. Fitzgerald, Media Assistant: Tracy_L_Fitzgerald@mcpsmd.org 


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 (Must be logged into MCPS account to gain access) 


The Hour of Code™

This month in the media center, students have been working on activities to prepare for the nationwide Hour of Code™ in December.  Students viewed the source code behind some of their favorite web pages, and practiced creating programs to move a sprite towards a goal..

During the Hour of Code™, all students will have the opportunity to do computer coding during media time. 

If you would like to learn more about the Hour of Code™, here is a short video with more information: https://youtu.be/KsOIlDT145A .



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October Newsletter

November Newsletter

Decemeber Newsletter

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