Maryland State Certified Project Lead the Way Engineering Program
Participate in hands-on real-life problem solving using mathematics, science, and technology. Designed for students interested in pursuing an advanced career in the field of engineering.
Project Lead the Way Engineering Program Coordinator Contact Information
Recommended Engineering Program 4 Year High School Planner
Engineering Program Course Descriptions
Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
Students use the design process and industry standard 3D modeling software to design solutions to proposed problems. Students use industry standard 3D modeling software to helpthem ddesign solutions to proposed problems, document their workusing an engineer's notebook, and communicate solustions to peers and members of the professional community. The major focus of IED is the design process and its application.
Principles of Engineering (POE)
Students are introduced to all engineering fields such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil, and biomedical. Major concepts are mechanisms, alternative energy design, statics, structures, materials engineering, robotics, and kinematics. POE allows students to truly see if engineering is a major they would like to pursue in college.
Digital Electronics (DE)
Digital electronics is the foundation of all modern electronic devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players, laptop computers, digital cameras and high-definition televisions. Students program integrated circuit kits and microcontrollers, design, solder and breadboard real world circuits, and learn to use industry standard Circuit Design Software. The overall focus is to learn how all electronics around us are designed and created.
Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA)
Students design and develop residential and commercial properties using 3D architectural design software. Throughout the course students are also exposed to all aspects of Civil Engineering which include environmental, structural, and water resources engineering. This course is designed for 11th or 12th grade students
Aerospace Engineering (AE)
This course propels students’ learning in the fundamentals of atmospheric and space flight. Students will learn physics of flight, navigation, analyzing forces on materials, propulsion, orbital mechanics using industry-standard software, and explore robot systems through projects such as remotely operated vehicles. This course is designed for 11th or 12th grade students.
Engineering Design & Development (EDD)
Students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process. Students perform research to choose, validate, and justify a technical problem. After defining the problem, teams design, build, and test their solutions while working closely with industry professionals who provide mentoring opportunities. Student teams present and defend their original solution to an outside panel. This course is taken in 12th grade.
Need More Information?
Contact Brendan Lees, Project Lead the Way Engineering Program Coordinator
Sherwood Engineering Clubs
Engineers Without Borders
We meet Monday's during lunch. For students who want to explore real world design challenges in a fun and collaborative environment. In the past students have connected with the EWB program at the University of Maryland and worked on solving global challenges that impact human life. Students are currently exploring design challenges and competitions and designing and building solutions to different problems.
Robotics Club
We meet thursdays at lunch. Students use VEX robotics materials to design and build a robot for the MD VEX robotics competition.
Women in Engineering
This club is for girls interested in helping to promote more females being interested in taking our engineering courses at Sherwood.