College and Career Research and Development Program
Why should I take College and Career Research and Development 1?
- Research yourself.
- Find out what you are good at and what you like to do.
- Devote time to exploring what careers and college majors fit your personality and strengths.
- Develop your PLAN FOR SUCCESS. Create your college and career goals and plan the steps to get there.
- Find out what's our there. Get curious.
What Benefits will I get from the program?
- A resume that's usable to get a job or send to a college.
- Learn how to get a job, from completing the application, submitting a resume, interviewing, to the thank you letter.
- Practice with interviewing. It takes practice to interview well.
- Specific goals that you will follow to get to college, a job, or both.
- Learn in school for the first half of the day then go to work for the last two to three periods of the day.
Who is this for?
- Everyone. Everyone can benefit from deliberately planning their future.
What do I do if I want to take this class or find out more?
- Sign up for College/Career Research and Development A/B (8092/8093).
- Visit Ms. Lynch in room 132 to find out more.
- Check out the CCRD syllabus.
Flyer with the Program Sequence
Program Completion Requirements
8092/8093 College/Career Research and Development A/B
0.5 credit per semester
Students research current career information for successful career planning and management. Students develop self awareness, career awareness, financial literacy, communication and indispensable work-related knowledge and skill sets. A variety of career and interest assessments, as well as portfolio development, demonstrating workplace and academic readiness, prepare students for college and careers. CCRD links students with industry professionals through site-based work experience.Grade Level: 10 - 11 - 12
8065/8066 Career Seminar A/B
0.5 credit per semester
This course teaches how to effectively manage career and educational choices through incorporating employment, education, and training goals. It builds financial literacy skills and integrates the Maryland's Skills for Success competencies. Students complete a career portfolio that demonstrates proficiencies in workplace readiness, personal financial management, personal growth and development, and employment experiences.
Prerequisite: College/Career Research and Development A/B (8092/8093)
Corequisite: Site-Based Work Experience A/B(5441/5442)
Grade Level: 11 - 12
No repeats for credit
5441/5442 Site-Based Work Experience A/B Double Period
1.0 credit per semester
Students participate in a site-based experience in conjunction with the career seminar class. Students work directly with industry professionals in a career of interest, while refining career goals and postsecondary plans. Student work sites must be approved and supervised by the teacher. Site-based learning must take place during school hours to allow for required work-site supervision by the teacher. To earn credit for double period, students are required to have a minimum of 135 hours of work experience per semester.
Prerequisite: College/Career Research and Development A/B (8092/8093)
Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in College/Career Seminar class is required. Students must successfully complete the seminar class to receive site-based credit.
Grade Level: 11 - 12
May be repeated 3 times
Double period