Welcome to your library
Bienvenido a su biblioteca

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Students, staff, parents, and community members are welcome weekdays anytime from 8:40 am to 3:55 pm. We are here to suggest books, help with research, collaborate on classroom projects, help connect to community resources, and much more!
The Rolling Terrace Library aims to foster a love of reading, develop information literacy skills, cultivate collaboration & discussion, & promote lifelong learning.
Media Specialist: Greg D'Addario
Media assistant: Lakeysha Davis
Student Checkout
The media center is open every morning from 8:40 to 9:00 am for all students to check out and return books.
- Kindergarten checks out up to 3 books
- First Grade checks out up to 5 books
- Second Grade checks out up to 7 books
- Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade checks out up to 10 books
Database Access
Click the link below to access different databases - at school AND at home!