QO Theatre

Quince Orchard Theatre includes 4 levels of classes as well as an after-school Theatre Production program. Although it may be beneficial, you are not required to take a theatre class to audition or work on crew for a production. Work usually begins on the fall production the second week of school, and on the spring production right before winter break.

Theatre is an organization of those interested in the theatrical arts. It functions as the producing body for at least 2 productions a year, with members not only performing in cast or pit orchestra, but also involved in such aspects as constructing and painting sets, making costumes, collecting and organizing props, hanging and running lights and sound, applying stage makeup and serving as the front house crew during performances, as well as many other areas of production. All student members involved in the productions are eligible for becoming members of the International Thespian Society, the Educational Theatre Association's student honorary organization. 

Actors must audition; workshops are held to show you audition techniques.  Sometimes, Pit Orchestra members are asked to audition as well.

Stage/Technical/Backstage Crew members do not audition but there is a level of expectation of commitment. All members of the productions generally meet every school day from about 2:45-5:30pm while preparing for shows and can run later the week the show opens (Tech Week). Certain areas of crew also work some weekends. The program also participates in other activities, which may include the Homecoming parade, going to festivals and participating in fundraising activities. Occasional Theatre meetings generally occur at lunch. The call board next to the elevator on the first floor and the website carries Theatre notices. Please help support the performing arts at QOHS by becoming a patron of QO Theatre. The program welcomes all new members to come and share their talents and knowledge. Our patron form can be found at https://tinyurl.com/y3h2ljde

New: QO Theatre Official Crewnecks available now for pre order only! All proceeds go to the QO Theatre Program. Order now at https://forms.gle/8rXuV5ir2uFgMD887

Fall Production, "Peter And The Starcatcher"

  • Fall Play Production Days: November 11th at 2 PM and 7 PM, November 18th at 2 PM and 7 PM

Spring Show, MAMMA MIA!

  • Spring Musical Production Days: April 5th at 7 PM, April 6th at 2 PM and 7 PM, April 12th at 7 PM, April 13th at 2 PM and 7 PM

Questions? Please contact our Director, Ms. Vogel at Jessica_Hague@mcpsmd.org or Producer, Teacher Land at Logan_R_Land@mcpsmd.org


Theatre Staff
Director: Jessica Vogel
Producer: Logan Land
Technical Director: Alexander Henry
Musical Director: Marci Shegogue
Orchestral Conductor: Robyn Kleiner-Vilgos
Choreographer: Melanie Barber
Costume Designer: TBA

2023-2024 Student Officers
President: Catherine Brady
VP of Activities: Jordan Richard
VP Publicity: Ava Turley
VP Technology: Andrew Shea
Secretary: Kangmin Kim
Treasurer: Maggie Brady
Historian: Lazar Bozic 
Cast Representative: Shia Ringold
Crew Representative: Coco Mazzarino
Pit Representative: Sabrina Chuaqui