AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
|What_is_AVID? | AVID Program | PB AVID | AVID Mission | AVID Brochure | AVID Video
- A college preparatory program
- An academic elective class
- A national program that helps students qualify for attendance to a four-year college or university
AVID Program
- Learning with peer tutors
- Developing success strategies
- Applying for college
- Preparing for a professional career
- Visiting college campuses
- Interacting with guest speakers
- Participation in extracurricular and community activities
PB Avid
- Since 2017, 100% of our AVID graduates have been accepted to a four-year college or university.
- AVID grads have been accepted to more than 100 different four-year colleges and universities.
- To qualify for PB AVID students must:
- Apply and interview
- Have appropriate classroom behavior
- Have a minimum 2.0 GPA
- Have a good attendance record
- Be willing to commit themselves to a minimum of two hours of homework each night
- Be willing to commit to enrollment in a rigorous college preparatory sequence of courses

AVID Mission
The mission of Paint Branch AVID is to ensure that ALL students, especially the under-served, will become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society.