Outdoor and Environmental Education → Instructional Programs → Residential Programs → Organizer Information
Organizer Information for Residential Program
Chaperone Information
Process Chart for Background Checks to Volunteer in MCPS(List of what you need to do as the School Organizer)
Planning Info
All information will be provided to Organizers from the OEEP office.
Student Notebook/Journal
Outdoor Environmental Education Student Notebook/Journal (To create a journal specific to your school, contact your organizer for an editable version.)
- For students and parents - English
- For students and parents - Spanish
- Video - 50 Years of Celebrating Outdoor Education
- Video - Outdoor Education Overview (youtube)
- Meal Time at the Smith Center
- Permission and Medication Forms(link to MCPS forms page)
More Questions? Contact your outdoor environmental education coordinator or the L.E. Smith Center.