Spring 2025 School Tours
For a school tour with school administration, please visit Garrett Park on the last Friday of each month in the following months: March 28, April 25 and May 30 at 9:40 a.m.
Kindergarten Registration '25
Please view the next page to find out about Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year.
Student Password Reset
Your student can reset their password using the link on the next page.
Home Use Chromebook Request
Please request a home use Chromebook with the link here. Please note these requests are processed through Central Office before they are distributed by the school. Your patience is appreciated.
CKLA for Parents
Please view these slides for more information about CKLA which was presented at the October 4 Parent's Coffee.
Student Service Learning for 5th-Graders
SSL and Counselor information.
Department of Health and Human Services with MCPS
MCPS works with the Department of Health and Human Services to provide medical services. Please read more about the services provided here.
MCPS Now Using School Cash Online
MCPS has transitioned to using School Cash Online for online payments. Register online in English or Spanish.
Parent Vue Account Activation
ParentVue Account Activation Directions In order to register any student in grades 1-12, the parent must create an ActiveVue account.
Student Passwords
Help with changing your student's password can be found in the links.