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The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is conducting a survey, Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey (MSEPIS), of all parents/guardians of children receiving special education and
related services in the state. Parents/caregivers have the option of returning the survey in the MSDEpre-paid postage envelope or responding to the survey online.
The survey is anonymous and its purpose is to hear from parents about how well they think their child’s school is partnering with them and promoting parent involvement in their child’s education. There are preschool and school-age versions of the survey. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Parent Survey response rates and responses are a part of the MSDE Annual Data on State Performance Plans and Annual Performance Reports. 

Please complete the survey by MAY 30. You may take the survey via the link above or by clicking on the QR code below. 


(posted 3/7/25)


School begins at 7:45 am. While we have seen a decrease in the number of students arriving late and without an excused note, there are many who are arriving late. The expectation of excellence is that students must be seated in their period 1 class by 7:45 am.
Additionally, students receive 5 minutes between classes to get from one to the other. Students need to be seated in their classes promptly when the bell rings.
Administrators will begin having conferences with parents whose children are consistently late to school and/or class.
Students who have consistent tardiness to school/class have been (and will continue to be) issued detention. The next step is a parent meeting.
La escuela comienza a las 7:45 a.m. Aunque hemos visto una disminución en el número de estudiantes que llegan tarde y sin una nota de excusa, todavía hay muchos que están llegando tarde. La expectativa de excelencia es que los estudiantes deben estar sentados en su clase del período 1 a las 7:45 a.m.
Además, los estudiantes tienen 5 minutos entre clases para llegar de una a otra. Es necesario que los estudiantes estén sentados en sus clases puntualmente cuando suene la campana.
Los administradores comenzarán a tener conferencias con los padres de los estudiantes que lleguen consistentemente tarde a la escuela y/o a clase.
A los estudiantes que llegan tarde de manera constante a la escuela o a clase se les ha asignado (y se les seguirá asignando) detención. El siguiente paso será una reunión con los padres.


Please see the following guide regarding information around student suspensions and expulsions. Por favor, consulte la siguiente guía sobre información relacionada con las suspensiones y expulsiones de estudiantes. 
(posted 2/17/25)


See the link below for information regarding the COSA process for next school year. Please note that all requests MUST be entered before April 1. One point to note is that COSAs will no longer be paper forms but will be completed through ParentVue. For questions, please contact the Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services
240-740-7800 or visit the website at
(posted 2/17/25)


As a reminder, it is expected that students have cell phones and airpods (or similar headphones) away during instruction. When permitted by the teacher, or due to special circumstances or accommodations, students may be permitted to use corded, over the head headphones.
If students refuse to comply, many consequences may be implemented, including:
  • Confiscation by teacher or administration for the period
  • Confiscation for the day
  • Confiscation pending parent pick-up and conference
  • Detention
  • In-School Interventions.
Como recordatorio, se espera que los estudiantes guarden los teléfonos celulares y los AirPods (o audífonos similares) durante las clases. Cuando sea permitido por el maestro o debido a circunstancias especiales o adaptaciones, se podrá permitir el uso de audífonos con cable que se coloquen sobre la cabeza.
Si los estudiantes se niegan a cumplir, se pueden implementar varias consecuencias, que incluyen:
  • Confiscación por parte del maestro o la administración durante el período de clase
  • Confiscación durante el día
  • Confiscación hasta que un padre/tutor los recoja y se realice una conferencia
  • Detención
  • Intervenciones dentro de la escuela.


The application process for all student parking is now open. Students need to fill out this form to begin the process. All students who park on campus must have a student parking permit and the cost is $39.00 per semester. 

Please reach out to with any questions.

(posted 1/21/25)


It's time to order cap and gown! Click HERE for more information. Please note that you only need to purchase the CAP AND GOWN UNIT. This includes all the items needed for graduation: cap, gown, stole, and tassel. Any other items offered are extra. You may purchase those additional items here. The deadline for ordering through Jostens is 1/31/25 - after this date, there will be a $5 additional fee. Questions? See Ms. Smith in the main office. 

versión español





MCPS Regulation JEA-RA Student Attendance

The MCPS Attendance Policy outlines that students are expected to attend all of their classes – for the entire class period – unless they have an excuse.

MCPS Regulation IKA-RA Grading and Reporting

(updated 10/03/24)


Please fill out this form to report any incidents at Gaithersburg HS. Form is available to staff, students, and caregivers. 

(posted 9/15/24)


Image preview

Student Enrollment is open and closes at 5PM on Friday, October 4. The program is fully virtual and runs Tuesday, October 8 – Wednesday, December 11. The class is one hour and is available Tuesdays at 7PM, Wednesdays at 4:30 PM, and Wednesdays at 8PM. The graduation ceremony will be Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

The Winter sessions will run January 13- March 26 and the Spring session will run March 3- May 21.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Davida Gurstelle, coordinator, Department of Partnerships, at 240-740-5599 or via email at Davida

Girls with Impact website:

Informational Flier (to be posted on Canvas, too):

Senior Information

Need to take your senior portraits? Looking for graduation information? Check out the Seniors page for all the details! 

GHS is a Free Breakfast School

Did you know? 

A message from the Maryland Division of Food & Nutrition Services (DFNS) - Maryland Meals For Achievement (MMFA)

What is Maryland Meals For Achievement (MMFA) Breakfast?

  • MMFA Breakfast provides state funding to offer free breakfast in the classroom for all students. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be providing free student breakfast through MMFA at 117 schools in the 2023-2024 school year, including 28 new schools. By increasing access to breakfast at no charge, we are fueling students for academic success.

  • Breakfast will be FREE, and students will have the opportunity to eat breakfast in their classroom. We encourage families to check out menus here and students to eat breakfast at school, fueling them to learn each day.

How does MMFA operate?

  • Students are eligible to receive one free meal breakfast each. In secondary schools, students may pick up breakfast in the cafeteria to eat before period 1..

When will MMFA start?

  • Schools previously operating MMFA will start MMFA operations on the first day of school.

  • Free breakfast will be available to students at all MMFA schools starting with the first day of school.

(posted 08/23/23)


Parent/Guardian Consent for Use of Additional On-Line Services for High School Students

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) requires consent from parents/guardians (or eligible students) to provide high school students with access to Google’s G Suite Additional Services (such as YouTube) as part of their individual student accounts. Once parents/guardians give consent, this consent remains valid for the entire time the student is enrolled in an MCPS high school (but may be rescinded at any time).

In an effort to assist schools in assigning rights for Google Additional Services (such as YouTube) for new high school students, families can access the Google Suite Additional Services consent form in their ParentVue account.

Parents/Guardians – you can view all the applications that MCPS uses at the link below. ParentVue is where parents/guardians will (1) update any personal information, (2) register for athletics, (3) register for summer school and much more. 

The link to the list of ParentVue updates is:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our main office at 301-284-4500.

(posted 08/30/23)

Seal of Biliteracy

Did you know that you could earn the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy on your diploma if you are bilingual?  The Maryland Seal of Biliteracy recognizes high school graduates who have attained high levels of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. Please complete this survey, it will help us provide you the necessary support you will need to achieve this special recognition.

(posted 05/31/23)