Summer Opportunities for Students
Posted On June 05, 2024

There are several STEM opportunities available for high school students this summer and fall. Check them out:
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched the NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship application for the 2024-2025 school year. This program is for high school students passionate about the environment, climate, oceans, Great Lakes and/or coasts. Program participants receive mentorship, skill-building opportunities and financial resources to design and lead an action project in their own communities. They also learn about and share perspectives on NOAA priorities, helping to inform the decisions that NOAA leaders make. Full participation comes with an $800 stipend and paid travel to Washington, D.C., for a kick-off summit in July. More information is available on the NOAA Young Changemakers Fellowship webpage. Applications are due Monday, June 10.
- The University of Maryland, in conjunction with the Maryland Forestry Foundation, is offering high school students the chance to learn about urban forestry at a new camp. The camp will be held at the College Park campus, July 7-13. Forty students will be selected through the application process by a committee to have housing, meals and materials covered by a grant through the Foundation. For more information and to apply, visit the website.
- STEM Ready: STEM Ready Pathways is a partnership between MCPS, Montgomery College, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and The Universities at Shady Grove for students starting sophomore year of high school. The program offers STEM coaches to support students’ academic journeys and career support. For more information, fill out this interest form.