Registration Now Open for Saturday School

Registration for the George B. Thomas Sr. Learning Academy, Inc., also known as Saturday School, is open for the 2023–2024 school year. Saturday School provides K–12 academic support programs in math and English/Language Arts.
The longest-running mentoring and tutoring program in Montgomery County began on Sept. 30 in eight locations, and also will provide a virtual option. The curriculum is aligned with MCPS and is taught by certified teachers. The locations are: Montgomery Blair, Albert Einstein, Paint Branch, Springbrook, Wheaton, Gaithersburg, Clarksburg and Northwest high schools.
The annual cost is $85; $40 for families eligible for Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMs). Registration for Saturday School, Grades 1–12 is here. Kindergarten registration is here.
For an additional cost of $150 for a five-week session, Saturday School also offers classes in Coding and Robotics.
Saturday School is also seeking tutors for English and math in elementary and middle school grades at the Clarksburg, Springbrook and Northwest locations. They also are in need of tutors for coding and robotics. Tutors must be certified teachers. The hours are from 8:15–11:15 a.m. and compensation is $38 an hour.
Call 301-287-8980 for general information.
If interested in tutoring at:
- Clarksburg HS, contact Terrence Fisher
- Northwest HS, contact Elyse Ridges
- Springbrook HS, contact Nikki Morales
Saturday School 2023–2024 Calendar