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Students will be required to attend eight, one hour fifteen-minute virtual, synchronous instructional sessions per session, for a total of 10 synchronous hours.
Students should plan to spend between 30 and 40 additional hours per session completing asynchronous work in each course.
Asynchronous work will be completed in one of two platforms:
Please utilize the 2025 High School Summer School Help Form for any questions. Coming Soon!
Total Annual Family Income | Each Half-Credit Course | |
Full Tuition | $55,501+ | $364.25 |
Tuition Waiver Level 1 | $39,001 - $55,500 | $145.75 |
Tuition Waiver Level 2 | $0 - $39,000 | $102 |
Parents and caregivers can request a refund using the 2025 High School Summer Program Refund Request Form. Coming Soon
Please note the following when registering:
English 9A | English |
English 10A | English |
English 11A | English |
English 12A | English |
Hon English 9A | English |
Hon English 10A | English |
Hon English 11A | English |
Hon English 12A | English |
Photography 1A | Fine Arts |
Hon Health A | Health |
Hon Health B | Health |
Algebra 1A | Math |
Geometry A | Math |
Hon Geometry A | Math |
Algebra 2A | Math |
Hon Algebra 2A | Math |
2YR Algebra 2A | Math |
2YR Algebra 2C | Math |
Precalculus A | Math |
Hon Precalculus A | Math |
Financial Mathematics A | Math |
Biology A | Science |
Hon Biology A | Science |
Chemistry A | Science |
Hon Chemistry A | Science |
Physics A | Science |
Hon Physics A | Science |
Astronomy w/Physics A | Science |
Hon US Hist A | Social Studies |
MWH A | Social Studies |
Hon MWH A | Social Studies |
NSL Govt A | Social Studies |
Hon NSL Govt A | Social Studies |
Found of Comp Sci A | Technology |
Found of Engineering & Technology A | Technology |
Spanish 1A | World Language |
Spanish 2A | World Language |
Spanish 3A | World Language |
French 1A | World Language |
French 2A | World Language |
English 9B | English |
English 10B | English |
English 11B | English |
English 12B | English |
Hon English 9B | English |
Hon English 10B | English |
Hon English 11B | English |
Hon English 12B | English |
Photography 1B | Fine Arts |
Hon Health A | Health |
Hon Health B | Health |
Algebra 1B | Math |
Geometry B | Math |
Hon Geometry B | Math |
Algebra 2B | Math |
Hon Algebra 2B | Math |
2YR Algebra 2B | Math |
2YR Algebra 2D | Math |
Precalculus B | Math |
Hon Precalculus B | Math |
Financial Mathematics B | Math |
Biology B | Science |
Hon Biology B | Science |
Chemistry B | Science |
Hon Chemistry B | Science |
Physics B | Science |
Hon Physics B | Science |
Astronomy w/Physics B | Science |
Hon US Hist B | Social Studies |
MWH B | Social Studies |
Hon MWH B | Social Studies |
NSL Govt B | Social Studies |
Hon NSL Govt B | Social Studies |
Found of Comp Sci B | Technology |
Found of Engineering & Technology B | Technology |
Spanish 1B | World Language |
Spanish 2B | World Language |
Spanish 3B | World Language |
French 1B | World Language |
French 2B | World Language |
All courses in the content area occur at the same time. For example, the synchronous meetings for English 9A and English 10A both occur at either 8:00-9:15 am or 2:15-3:30 pm.
Content Area | Early Class Time | Late Class Time |
English | 8:00-9:15 am | 2:15-3:30 pm |
Science | 9:15-10:30 am | 3:30-4:45 pm |
Math | 10:30-11:45 am | 4:45-6:00 pm |
Social Studies | 11:45 am-1:00 pm | 6:00 pm-7:15 pm |
Fine Arts | 1:00-2:15 pm | 7:15-8:30 pm |
Health | 1:00-2:15 pm | 7:15-8:30 pm |
Technology | 1:00-2:15 pm | 7:15-8:30 pm |
World Language | 1:00-2:15 pm | 7:15-8:30 pm |
*Registration opens April 3rd. Speak with your counselor about registration.