Applications for early entrance to kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted from February 1 through June 30, 2025.
Per Maryland State Department of Education regulations, to be eligible to enter kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year, children must be five years of age by September 1, 2025.
Children who will turn five years old between September 2 and October 15, 2025 are eligible for consideration for the early entrance to kindergarten process. To be recommended for early entrance to kindergarten, children will need to demonstrate above average performance and development in academic skills as well as social/emotional and physical development. The standards for early entrance are very high to ensure that students are not frustrated by their advanced grade placement. There will be no consideration, including an appeals process, for children with birthdates beyond October 15th.
Additional information about age of school attendance
Parents/guardians of children who wish to apply for early entrance to kindergarten must complete MCPS Form 271-6, Application for Early Entrance Kindergarten Program.
Parents/guardians should submit the completed form to their child's home elementary school no later than June 30, 2025.
Schools will contact parents to schedule assessment appointments. Schools will identify dates for assessment sessions. All assessments will occur between March 17 – July 31, 2025.
Assessments will be given face-to-face at local schools.
During the assessment appointment, children will complete an individual screening assessment, led by school staff. Assessments include a variety of activities that measure a child's performance within the following developmental domains: language and literacy, mathematical thinking, and motor development. Recommendation for early entrance to kindergarten will be made based on a review of screening assessment data, parent application checklist, and any other relevant documentation submitted.
Parents will be notified in writing of the school's recommendation within 15 days of the assessment session; therefore, results will not be provided on the day of the screening. There will be no retesting if the child is not recommended for kindergarten.
Information about the MCPS kindergarten program's curriculum and expectations
A Guide to Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Una Guía Sobre el Ingreso Temprano a Kindergarten (Spanish)
Un Guide Pour La Rentrée Anticipée en Maternelle (French)
Tập San Hướng Dẫn Phụ Huynh về Ghi Danh Học Lớp Mẫu Giáo Sớm (Vietnamese)
Guia Para Entrada Antecipada no Kindergarten (Portuguese)
For additional information, please contact the Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs at 240-740-4087.
Per Maryland State Department of Education regulations, to be eligible to enter first grade for the 2025-2026 school year, children must be six years of age by September 1, 2025.
Children whose birthdates occur within a six week period beyond the state's prescribed admission date may be considered for early entrance to first grade. Children who will turn six years old between September 2 and October 14, 2025 are eligible for consideration for the early entrance to first grade process.
Parents/guardians of children who wish to apply for early entrance to first grade should complete MCPS Form 271-1, Application for Early Entrance First Grade Program. Parents/guardians should bring this form to their child's home school.
For the 2025-2026 school year, applications will be accepted from July 1, 2025 through September 5, 2025.
Children who are applying for early entrance to first grade will begin the school year in a kindergarten classroom. Within the first six weeks of school assessments and classroom observations will be conducted and a team of school staff will meet to make a decision on early entrance to first grade.
Placement determinations will be finalized no later than October 15.
If a child has previously completed the kindergarten year in a public school kindergarten program, the child may be considered as a transfer, although the child's birthdate may not be aligned with the state's age requirements.
Parents/guardians should submit the child's attendance record and any end-of-year transcripts, along with the application, MCPS Form 271-1, Application for Early Entrance First Grade Program, to the school principal for consideration.
More information about the MCPS first grade program's curriculum and expectations.
In response to the amended COMAR 13A.08.01.02, Age of School Attendance, the Montgomery County Board of Education adopted Policy JEB, Early Entrance to Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade, and accompanying Regulation JEB-RB on March 14, 2006.